Open Your Pores

Revision for “Open Your Pores” created on November 12, 2014 @ 08:51:40

Open Your Pores
Use this Mantra each morning to find purpose, grace, and serenity in your day. I am happy today. For this day is my day. The time ahead is a gift to me and my loved ones. Knowing that Time is out of my control, I will cherish each moment. For each moment is a gift I am thankful for. I do not know what adventure lies ahead, though the journey will bring me happiness. I will focus on my strengths and provide them as gifts to all around me. I will allow others to focus on my weaknesses and guide me where I fail. I will be aware of all my senses today. I will be gentle, yet firm with everything my hands touch. I will remember silence is powerful with my voice. My voice will be told through my actions first and my tongue last. I will use a soothing tone when communicating whether through action, tongue or texting. My ears will be alert and patient when others grace me with their spoken wisdom. My eyes will be child-like today. I will remember to see the world for the first time. I will taste the sweetness of life in every bite. I will thank the world for its nourishment and remind myself at each meal that food is a gift to me. I will use this nourishment to make the world a better place and tread more lightly than I did before. I will fill my lungs with fresh air and let my body fill with oxygen – the fuel of life. I will take long & slow breaths that are not forced and let life flow through me, just as I do in this moment. I will let my heart express with passion today. For this day is my canvas. My actions today will paint my vision for all to see. Carpe Diem

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
November 12, 2014 @ 08:51:40 MaTao
November 12, 2014 @ 08:51:18 MaTao
November 12, 2014 @ 07:37:37 MaTao
November 12, 2014 @ 07:37:25 MaTao
November 12, 2014 @ 07:30:10 MaTao
November 12, 2014 @ 07:00:21 MaTao
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